Welcome to Weasel Word Detector
Your goal is to use words to accurately and precisely communicate your thoughts to a reader or listener to reduce the potential of misinformation or misunderstanding.
Is your communication clear, contextual, and concise?
What does the reader or listener think you mean?
Where do things get murky, textured with ambiguity, and misconstrued?
The detector analyzes text for imprecise unclear “weasel words.” When appropriate, these words should be replaced for accuracy, precision, and clarity.
The percentage of weasel words are evaluated, analyzed, displayed, and highlighted and a copy sent to you. More than 2% unclear content is suspect of imprecise messaging.
Assumption of word meaning is hazardous to understanding. Say what you mean so your message is best understood.
Do not assume your message is clear and understood. Word interpretation is what the reader thinks you mean not necessarily what you meant. Use the detector to identify words that cause misinterpretation, ambiguity, uncertainty, and vagueness.